So what happened at work that day after we left the break room. asked? I was typing: a letter for Associates and Co. joining a proposal about some work that the management placed. The letter was on my desk and asked me to get the work done. Agathene: Hey I was looking around for the stapler and Couldn’t find it right so I asked a person there sitting at the desk to borrow a rubber band. After the work was finished the boss was raging in the hallways I guess to make sure that everybody’s working. Many of the people were and had too or else they could be terminated he said and was back in his office taking an important phone call. Everybody sort of laughed who was listening.
When I looked outside it was the evening and makes a cloud of mist when you exhale because of the weather… Conversation at the table room in Jacennys place. Sam Hughes: talking whom was still outside somewhere, Jameson has had some good fortune with the job and got an extra bonus. They were talking about work. I’m going to turn on some music or the television.
As Jameson was standing by the steps near the front of the building. Some children were there and next to them was the mother. Each child had winter clothes and were extremely busy, play fighting it out
The sound of explosions
play fighting: “Where on Earth is Captain Marvel?said the girl. Boy reply’s: Right here next to the space station girl: Somewhere is the dark force boy: and but with his jet plane will fly through and knock them down.” sound effects and mother was laughing in the background. The mom said “alright kids it’s getting late and have to go inside.” As walking up the stairs was beside the window a lamp that was sort of dim seemed to be going out and might need a new bulb. People out near the front and listening to their dialogue seems was arguing about something but there inside was everybody watching television and catering to all the guests was Jacenny. There was music in the other room. Sam Hughes: this is great to be here the food was excellent. Agathene: I agree and so we’re not done and would anybody like to have the rest of the leftover food? It was starting to be too late and people had to be on their way.
In the television room: The talk show host signals to his anchor “alright now we will be showing scenes of the next installment of country wild westerns
alright so stay tuned where you don’t want to miss this.” Watching television: in Hawaii competitions for Surfing are underway and the competitors are all geared up as the waters are rough …continuing about the mentioning some of the competitors background. 2. next: “There was on the news: It is reported that the two guys were not involved in the drug scandal but were under investigation for other offenses that lead to the closing down of an warehouse near factory site blvd… 3. next: static and changing stations on the television. yes and the cold temperatures will continue on into the week and people on the road be careful it’s going to be slippery out there with ice building up. 4. next channel: There was a person running it was dark outside and streetlights. a guy in uniform and men saying “hey there stop!” and the character kept running into an alley way but resilience of was to pursue the individual.
As the party concluded many people were tethering by the door and greeting each other goodbye and saying kind words that it was a great time. Jacenny: I think everybody enjoyed themself.
Eddy: Thanks to you being a great host everything was great.
The next morning: Talking to Sam Hughes: Where has the time gone, so much has seemed to happen. Where are you? I’m right now by the waiting room area. Alright, I’ll be there in about 2 minutes and walking through the elevator There was some meetings in the conference room.
Discussing the upcoming week and some other event: Sam Hughes Hi, We both shook hands and was standing by the lobby not saying much. Watching outside the large glass windows there’s a view of the street and the outside where all the cars and people make their way. I’m on the Board of Directors for this next week as a temporary fill in for Mr Glenvis
He is out of town on a working assignment. Edward: that’s good, so do you have your things in order and, Sam Hughes: it’s going to be very busy and only for 5 days The management spoke about it, you were there.
There Mr Glenvis has a trip to the United States and going to be in Vermont. Well, it’s not for sure but Mr Glenvis will be out of town. Talk to me Eddy…
Eddy: I was working on a brochure and didn’t get any rest. Sort of in a hurry. The work today was much and still some more left.
Sam Hughes: Great! Vermont, for the next few days.
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